Bro Science: Bis and Tris

Everyone wants that juicy arm pump before seeing your favorite crush or taking those hot new pictures! Say goodbye to noodle arms. Gives these bicep and tricep workouts a run through for a quick and extremely effective arm pump.

  1. Barbell Curl

Using a EZ CURL bar(shown) or a straight Barbell, lock elbows on sides(ribs). In a curling motion, with wrists locked, lift the bar towards yourself. Lower, focus attention on squeezing your biceps as you lower the bar(Eccentric Contraction).

Repetition Guide

Strength: 3-5 Reps X 4 Sets (Heavy Weights)

Size: 12 Reps X 5 Sets (Medium Weights)

Tone: 20 Reps X 3 Sets (Light Weights)


2. Hammer Curl

Use a dumbbell weight that is controllable throughout lift. Lock elbows to sides(Ribs), roll shoulder blades(Scapula) back. In a curling motion lift the dumbbells one at a time towards yourself, holding a neutral grip throughout the lift.

Repetition Guide

Strength: 3-5 Reps X 4 Sets (Heavy Weights)

Size: 12 Reps X 5 Sets (Medium Weights)

Tone: 20 Reps X 3 Sets (Light Weights)


3. Weighted Dips

Elevate heels and lower body to a 90 degree bend in the elbows. Add weight plates for added resistance and more strength!

Repetition Guide

Strength: 3-5 Reps X 4 Sets (Heavy Weight)

Size: 12 Reps X 5 Sets (Medium Weight)

Tone: 20 Reps X 3 Sets (Light Weight)


4. Spider Curl

One of the funkiest bicep variations I have found. Lay on stomach on an angled bench. Hold an EZ CURL bar or weight plates(shown) at full extension away from chest. Pull weight towards face in upward curling motion paying mind not to let elbows “wing out”, rather staying parallel focusing tension on the bicep.

Repetition Guide

Strength: 3-5 Reps X 4 Sets (Heavy Weights)

Size: 12 Reps X 5 Sets (Medium Weights)

Tone: 20 Reps X 3 Sets (Light Weights)

5. Rope Extensions

Using a cable machine with a rope attachment(shown), stand feet together with a slight bend in the waist. Lock elbows to sides(Ribs), pull rope in down AND outward motion. Pull through the pinky fingers(Outward) to engage outer Tricep(Full R.O.M).

Repetition Guide

Strength: 3-5 Reps X 4 Sets (Heavy Weights)

Size: 12 Reps X 5 Sets (Medium Weights)

Tone: 20 Reps X 3 Sets (Light Weights)


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